Thursday, January 2, 2020

Immigration Of The United States - 1299 Words

In order for the United States to meet the needs of the economy, the government should issue more visas to immigrants. It can lead to a positive impact on the economy. Many immigrants face difficulties in their home country due to corruption, poverty, financial circumstances and lack necessities such as jobs and money. As a result, immigrants move to America in search of a prosperous life where they can provide for themselves and also for family if needed. Today, immigration remains a major concern for the U.S. and several perspectives have been developed over the situation. Issuing more visas can help contribute to the growth of the economy. America is also the â€Å"land of opportunities† so it is the country s duty to provide for those in†¦show more content†¦For California, the estimated impact is $904 million; Illinois, $347 million; and New York, $184 million.† If immigrants are granted their visas and are able to work, they are likely to receive Graham 2 health care through their employer which mean they would not need to rely on health services. Few believe that immigrants can put a drain on government programs but the fact that states would not need to spend much money while immigrants work defeats that argument. Since the late 1800s to the 1920s, immigrants have been coming into America searching for better lives. America was always a symbol of freedom and great opportunities. The Statue of Liberty lays out the duties of America to all the people in the world. Engraved on the statue it states â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.This verse symbolizes the openness of America to all kinds of people and their willingness to create a new life for them. â€Å"Because of the open-minded immigration movement upon which this country was built, the immigration laws of the past proved more inviting and simplistic than the vast panoply of current regulations and procedures.† according to Trent R. Hightower, author of â€Å"An Analysis of the Current State of United States Immigration Law, and Possible Changes on the Horizon†. Prior to new immigration laws, individuals were able to enter the U.S without any restrictions. By the nineteenth century the US turned away many

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